The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) offers brochures, checklists, tip sheets, and other materials to provide you with information on anesthesia, pain management, and the medical experts committed to patient safety and high-quality care before, during, and after surgery, procedures, and other treatments.
You can download brochure PDFs for free from the links below and print in color on two-sided, 8 ½ x 11 paper in whatever quantities needed.
Pain Management
Managing Chronic Pain During Covid-19 (PDF)
Opioid Overdose Resuscitation Guide (PDF)
Opioid Use for Pain Management Across Generations (PDF)
Taking Opioids for Pain? Some Hard Questions You Should Ask (PDF)
Preparing for Surgery
Awareness and Anesthesia (PDF)
Checklist For Parents: Help Your Child Get Ready For Surgery (PDF)
Help Your Patients Stop Smoking For Surgery (PDF)
Herbal and Dietary Supplements and Anesthesia (PDF)
Obesity, Sleep Apnea, and Anesthesia (PDF)
Outpatient Surgery and Anesthesia (PDF)
Anesthesiologists: More Than Meets The Eye (PDF)
Preparing for Surgery: An Anesthesia Checklist (PDF)
Sedation, Analgesia, and Anesthesia (PDF)
Stop Smoking For Surgery (PDF)
The Anesthesia, Pain, and Critical Care Specialists (PDF)
The Path to a Safe Surgery: Preparing for Anesthesia Begins with You (PDF)
Managing Labor Pain
Childbirth and Anesthesia (PDF)
Pain Management for Delivery: Moms Share Their Experiences (PDF)